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NEWS AND UPDATES :: Now, you can educate yourselves without any need to come to the campus in USA
Question And answer

• D.I.U is more of the most comprehensible universities on the internet as it presents more than 70 specialties in 16 different fields. We don’t present any certificates in medicine, engineering, pharmacy, nursing, chemical engineering, aviation or any field that could harm human life. Here are all the scientific degrees that we offer:

• D.I.U programs are directed towards adults in the middle of their professional lives unlike universities with semesters that attract youth between the ages of 18 and 21 whose goals and ambitions have not been determined yet. D.I.U does not compete with such traditional universities and D.I.U students know who they are and what they want and want an exciting and comfortable learning opportunity. This is why you may be more enthusiastic than students in traditional universities. In addition, D.I.U students gain important benefits from the knowledge that develops from their professional experience not only because they are able to benefit from the knowledge that developed throughout their professional life but also because they gain credit in their learning programs.

• “Equalization”, “distance learning”, “e-learning”, “learning through experiences” or any similar phrases are not mentioned in your certificate or any other documents that you receive

• The duration of the program greatly varies according to the different goals and levels of our students. Time and schedules could allow students to study more than one program at the same time. D.I.U students are required to have previous experience in working in the field or any relevant field. They must also have accreditations gained after their last stage of study. The number of required courses differs from one student to another.

• Every faculty may determine the criteria of accepting credits in other institutions. If transferring credit to other institutions is the main purpose of your study, please be sure about that before starting studying at D.I.U. Faculties evaluate credit transfers according to each case. Some faculties and universities are open for accepting credit from other institutions and some of them are very useful.

• Yes. All courses will be considered. Just send us documents about the course that you completed and we can determine if we can accredit your certificate with the D.I.U program. Many students enroll into a post-graduate program after having gained some official higher education and advanced work experiences which qualifies them to get the credit as required. The Admission Committee evaluates that credit and determine if it can be applied to the different required curricula in the program.

• Adults from all over the world can join all the programs in D.I.U. Please review the admission procedures to know whether or not you are qualified.

• No. D.I.U accepts students throughout the year. • The nature of our fast-paced academic programs allow us to start the program of a new student during any time of the year. If you have any questions please contact the Admission Office. The Admission Office is here to help you gain any information regarding whether or not you are qualified to join our university. • We understand how adults can be busy and not have the time to go to the university. Now you can get your certificate from home and save time for you and your family.

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